Housing in Pantin
The social housing on the corner of rue Gambetta and rue Paul Bert is the flagship of a mixed-use development ...[...]

Kadans Science Partner shared laboratories
Next to the Institut Gustave Roussy, the B3.b block embodies a new showcase for innovation through the shared laboratories ...[...]

Guinea National Museum
The visit to France by Guinea's Minister of Culture, Moussa Moïse Sylla, and his Secretary General, Ibrahima Keita, gave u...[...]

JO Paris 2024 Village des Médias
Les médias du monde entier sont accueillis en 2024 pour couvrir les Jeux de Paris. A Dugny (93), dans le quartier i...[...]

Completion of a 40,000 sqm office eco-campus
Completion of a major off-site construction project in Gentilly (94) in collaboration with Alain Barthe Architecture, Philippe Niez Studio for the ...[...]

Transformation tour Ariane, La Défense
Nouvelle AOM's (Franklin Azzi, ChartierDalix, Hardel Le Bihan) project to upgrade the Ariane Tower includes renovation of the entire facade ...[...]

National Center of Ophthalmology Hospital in Paris
Our project for the renovation of the National Center of Ophthalmology Hospital "15-20" in Paris is marked by ...[...]

OG Paris 2024 Village des athlètes
Overlooking the Seine on the athletes' olympic village in Ile-Saint-Denis, Hardel Le Bihan Architectes delivers a residential building for 234 athletes, ...[...]

Installation of the precast concrete facade in Lyon
The high performance fiber-reinforced concrete facade produced off-site is currently being installed on the Albizzia tower in Confluence. Attached to ...[...]

Projet lauréat concours Pirmil-les-Isles
Lauréats du lot A2A en groupement avec Moonwalklocal et Aethica pour la réalisation de 89 logements mixtes, nous pa...[...]

Timber totem on Paris'ring road
The first element of the mixed-use block created for BNP Real Estate between Boulevard des Maréchaux and Porte de S...[...]

En pont sur le Périphérique
The wooden structure is nearing completion on Paris' avenue de la porte Brancion, where it will be clearly visible before ...[...]

Nouvelle AOM wins the competition for the new Guillot-Bourdeix in Lyon
La Nouvelle AOM (Franklin Azzi, Chartier Dalix , Hardel Le Bihan) is the winner of the competition to transform Lyon's ex-CIRC ...[...]

Timber structure for new offices in Montreuil
The structural work is nearing completion on the Le Passage Montreuil site, designed for Alios Développement. 10,000 m² of timber-framed of...[...]

Housing on site on Paris'ring road
The metamorphosis of Porte Brancion begins, with the first of the three winning buildings in the Inventons la Métropole d...[...]

Herculean transformation
Affiche faite maison par le personnel de l'ancienne imprimerie, retrouvée sur place avant la démolition (©Nicolas Trouillard). La ...[...]

Timber structure up in Lyon
The 14 floors of the Albizzia mixed-use tower in Confluence are up! Congratulations to the Le Bras Frères team, in c...[...]

Le Forum Bois Construction qui se tient cette année à Lille Grand Palais consacre un atelier au logement social. Ma...[...]

Winning project in Toulouse
Hardel Le Bihan is coordinating architect for the four winning practices involved in the Avenue de Lyon mixed-use project in ...[...]

Tour bois : montage en cours à Lyon
In Lyon, the fifth of the 16 floors of the mixed-use tower is set up. At a rate of about one ...[...]

A Dakar, le chantier des logements de l'Université avance!
Nous célébrerons à la fin de l'année 2022 l'achèvement des deux premiers bâtiments du campus de l'Univ...[...]

Gratte-Ciel in Villeurbanne: building permit!
The architectural team HARDEL LE BIHAN - HEROS - PLAGES ARRIERE has obtained the building permit for macro-lot C of ...[...]

Social housing in Lyon
In Lyon, the construction site of our 32 social housing units uses prefabricated wood to meet the low-carbon ambition of the &...[...]

Citizen M Hotel on site in the heart of Paris
Everyone is working hard and fast on our hotel site, Rue du Croissant in the Sentier district of Paris, for ...[...]

Paris OG2024 : housing for athletes reversible in offices
The architecture and Landscape Biennale (BAP) in Versailles presents the Ile Saint-Denis eco-district project. We are pleased to present our ...[...]

A new family house in Vanves, next to Paris. Bricks echoes to the concrete structure left unfinished inside. Solid wood ...[...]

Office Rue de la Tombe Issoire: completed!
The rehabilitation of the office building 27 rue de la Tombe-Issoire has brought about a profound change in image and comfort: ...[...]

2024 OPG Media Village on site
The structural work has begun on the Aire des Vents, the site of the Media Village in Dugny (north of ...[...]

New project in Marseille!
The Hardel Le Bihan team won the CAZ04 Cazemajou lot in the Euroméditerranée Littoral ZAC, for Nexity and 1001 Vi...[...]

Finalist SIMI Awards 2021
The Redman team, Axa IM REIM, Hardel Le Bihan Architectes and Softroom are very pleased to be among the finalists ...[...]

High rise refurbishment completed soon
Rue de la Tombe-Issoire in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, our major renovation project is being completed to accommodate 1,000 employees ...[...]

J-1 pour voter aux MIPIM Awards 2021
BEST OFFICE AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT : le Campus Orange à Lyon shortlisté aux MIPIM AWARDS ! Vous êtes au MIPIM : votez dès de...[...]

Fin de gros œuvre à Saint-Denis
Le chantier des bureaux de la ZAC Nozal Front-Populaire réalisés pour PRD avance. Après le gros œuvre...[...]

Bercy, transformation accomplie
Rue de Bercy, notre réhabilitation des bureaux construits en 1986 par les architectes Andrault & Parat est achevée. Un ch...[...]

Massy: site almost completed
Opposite the TGV station in Massy, our residential buildings are taking form and the finished details of the student residences ...[...]

Following Solideo’s architectural competition, we are pleased to announce that we have been selected for the Media Village, which wi...[...]

New headquarters of Orange in Lyon
Telecomms giant Orange’s new regional headquarters in Lyon’s Part Dieu district has been completed. The official inauguration is plan...[...]

Meet-up coliving
On July 2nd, Mathurin Hardel is invited to share HARDEL LE BIHAN's experience at co-liv's meet up "Coliving: Urban ...[...]

A printing house transformed into a hotel
Our practice wins, together with real estate developer Coffim, the competition for the transformation of a former printing house into ...[...]

Cité de la Mer, Cherbourg
In Cherbourg, La Cité de la Mer reopens after a complete renovation of its exhibition spaces. "The Ocean of t...[...]

Ile de Nantes: end of construction
The 104 housing units, offices and retail spaces on the Ile de Nantes are completed. In the central garden and rooftops, ...[...]

Gratte Ciel de Villeurbanne macro lot C
Avec Plages Arrière architectes et Heros architecture, l'agence est lauréate et coordinatrice du macro lot développé par le p...[...]

Competition: nursing home
Quick view of our project (finalist) for 87 old people's housing and a 60 beds kindergarden in Carrières-sous-Poissy (West of Paris).[...]

Back to bricks in Pantin
We're thrilled to annouce that our Green Sheds project has been selected by the City of Pantin, Majestic Filatures and ...[...]

End of construction in Nantes
Inhabitants and office users are now living and working in Le Cabestan, completed in april with developer LinkCity Grand-Ouest. Our ...[...]

Winning project in the French Alps
The very first mixed-use project in Grenoble, Place Nelson Mandela, together with real estate developers Redman and Youse. We won ...[...]

Allocating the "1 immeuble, 1 oeuvre" charter dedicated to an arts commission, Hardel Le Bihan invited Franco-Ivorian artist Cyprien Chabert ...[...]

Laureate of Bruneseau district in Paris
Our team won the competition Inventer Bruneseau, launched in 2017 by the Semapa (Paris' Left Bank's urban developer). The future district ...[...]

Mutualité Française headquarters
Finalists in the competition to renovate the headquarters of the Mutualité Française, with a project that brings out the in...[...]

Lyon gets its first timber tower
Hardel Le Bihan Architectes won the competition for the first timber tower in Lyon, as well as the timber social ...[...]

Co-Liv Summit
Hardel Le Bihan is invited to the Pitch session of the Co-Liv Summit 2018, Les Grands Voisins in Paris. Beside presenting ...[...]

Trois moulins - Sophia Antipolis
Finalist in Sophia Antipolis' Trois Moulins site, with its Naturopolis Campus project, Hardel Le Bihan congratulates architects Ateliers Jean Nouvel, ...[...]

New site under construction Rue de Bercy
The studio is refurbishing and transforming 12,000 m² of office space on Rue de Bercy in Paris' 12th arrondissement. The project o...[...]

Biennale of Contemporary African Art in Dakar
The new student housing on the Cheikh Anta Diop Campus are shown for the first time to the public in ...[...]

End of construction: social housing in Paris
A short distance from the Clignancourt university campus, this building completed in April 2018 is part of a development composed of ...[...]

New project in Brittany!
In Cesson-Sevigné, the mixed development building B8 will be the first site on construction, and the highest of the wider u...[...]

Inventing Greater Paris Metropolis
From November 30, 2017 to March 4, 2018, the Pavillon de l’Arsenal (Paris) will present the results of the international call for projects In...[...]

Nouvelle AOM is the winner of the competition for the redesign of the Montparnasse Tower
Nouvelle AOM is the collective created in June 2016 to enter the international Demain Montparnasse competition. Formed of the association of ...[...]

New office Rue de Paradis in Paris
The HLB team, which has tripled in size over the last year, left its old offices in September to move ...[...]